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Pitney BowesA PCC (Postal Customer Council) is an organization which is established in a local area to provide a means of communication between postal customers and the postal service. The Central Missouri PCC is one of many such organizations across the country, serving Columbia, Jefferson City and the entire central Missouri area. Postal Customer Councils help ensure that mailers are aware of the latest changes in postal services and rates. They help postal customers make the most efficient use of the postal service through meetings, clinics, seminars and tours of postal facilities. They also help the postal service better understand their customers through tours of customer facilities and by providing a direct means of communication between the postal service and their customers. Postal Customer Councils also assist the postal service by providing an organized way for postal speakers to present programs to large groups of postal customers.
If your business or organization is interested in the benefits of PCC membership, please contact:
Dale Woody
UMC Campus Mail Service
1000 E Elm
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211-0001
Zen Thomas
Shelter Insurance Company
1817 W. Broadway
Columbia, MO 65218-0001
© 2008 Central Missouri Postal Customer Council | Site designed by Tranquility Internet Services