Central Missouri Postal Customer Council

Get IMB by Jan 2013...

March 19, 2012

Are you still asking yourself what the United States Postal Service (USPS) Intelligent Mail Full-Service option will do for you? Is it worth investing money in new technologies for discounts of $3/1000 mailpieces for First-Class Mail and $1/1000 for Periodicals and Standard Mail? How long will it take to get my ROI to justify the expenses?

If so, you are asking the wrong questions. Instead of wondering how long it will take to get your ROI to implement IM Full-Service, you should join the band wagon as soon as possible and start using IM Full-Service if you want to stay in business; Currently you have the options to use POSTNET, IMb Basic or Full Service to qualify for automation discounts. Starting January 2013 – which is right around the corner – the USPS plans to stop offering postage discounts for POSTNET. You will need to use IMb to qualify for automation discount effective January 2013 AND in January 2014 only Full-Service IMb will qualify for automation discounts.

Why is the USPS pushing for Intelligent Mail?

Over the past few years almost everyone has been affected in some way by the downturn of the economy. Many companies have been forced to outsource jobs, downsize, claim bankruptcy or flat out close their doors. The Postal industry is no exception. Between 2000 and 2011, the mail volume declined by 19 percent. Financially, the USPS posted a net loss of $8.5 billion in 2010 and $5.1 billion in 2011. This decline in mail volume and revenue has had a dramatic impact on the USPS financially, forcing them to make cost cutting moves and other changes to the way they conduct business.


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