Central Missouri Postal Customer Council

USPS Wants Opinions on IMB Adoption

May 10, 2012

The Postal Service would like to hear from the mailing industry about our plans to encourage Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) Full-Service adoption by making it a requirement for automation rates, beginning in 2014. In addition to having discussed these plans at MTAC and various association meetings, and hosting a listening session at National Postal Forum, we have issued an Advance Notice published today in the Federal Register seeking formal comments: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-04-20/html/2012-9537.htm

Mailers’ comments will give the Postal Service important insights regarding the perceived challenges involved in moving to Full-Service adoption, including the anticipated cost of moving to full participation, and what the actual costs have been for those already using this offering. The Postal Service would also like to hear about the steps it could take to assist mailers with this move, and the potential benefits of Full-Service adoption, including, for example, the retirement of permit fees, Mail Anywhere/Pay Anywhere capabilities, Seamless Mail Acceptance, and eInduction.

The Postal Service needs input from all mailers – current Full-Service users as well as non-users – to help inform the plan to require IMb Full-Service for automation discounts. The Advance Notice lists specific topics on which the Postal Service would like mailers to comment during the 45-day comment period (ending June 4, 2012). Please take this opportunity to share your comments about the plan, and encourage other mailers to respond, to help the Postal Service understand industry concerns and develop appropriate ways to address them.

Comments and questions can be emailed to mailingstandards@usps.gov using the subject line ``Full-Service January 2014 ," or mailed to:

Manager, Product Classification
U.S. Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW., Room 4446
Washington, DC 20260-5015

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