The Vistas

About the Designer

Stephen Rust

Welek Construction and the team have streamlined the process for building each Vistas home through an organized effort that results in a quality “turn key” home with no surprises, just results you expect. Early in the construction phase the buyer will receive four hours of consultation with Stephen Rust Design Studio at no charge. With a wealth of sources and information, Rust can provide many aspects of home furnishings including lighting, floorcoverings, window treatments, wallcoverings, furniture and much more. His art background and expertise also enhances and adds a unique element to each project.

Rust, an ASID certified designer, works very closely with clients on their homes. He learns their styles and personalities and what is important to them. Knowing their likes and dislikes and what activities in the home are important to them helps determine many aspects of the home’s design. But practicality, function and budget considerations are equally important. Every decision and choice is measured and reflected for its impact on the total design.

Working with clients from the moment preliminary plans are available, Rust assists in every aspect of decision making so that the final result enhances the home’s architecture and reflects the taste of each individual client.