At The Vistas, your home will be highly energy efficient, thanks to:
Combine those above features with the geothermal system, and your new home exceeds a 5-Star Energy Rating, the top ranking in a home's energy efficiency.
Welek Construction employs the 'common sense' approach to energy efficient building. Even though fuel prices have varied historically, most people realize that the long term trend is steadly upwards. With the recent issuance of tax credits and rebates for geothermal technology, partnered with our superior construction, a higher resale value is added to our homes at noadditional cost.
Once people begin to realize that they can save money on their utility bill, while conserving our Earth's natural resources, they tend to warm to our philosophy of continuously striving to maximize energy efficiency.
Below are some links to websites that can provide you more information about energy efficency and sustainability: